Consistency Around the Holidays

It’s no secret that gyms and fitness studios slow down around the holidays. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season people are busy. We get it. We have parties to plan, food to cook, alcohol to drink, not to mention kids are off from school. It is hard to find time for yourself, let alone drive to a gym and get a workout in. In my opinion, the holiday season is one of the most important times to commit to your workout. It’s darker out, it’s colder, no one wants to go outside if they don’t have to. You can find plenty of excuses to not work out. There are a few reasons why the holidays are the BEST time to continue with your workout routine.

Firstly, the holidays can be a stressful time. The best way to decrease your stress and anxiety is to get a workout in. The 45 minutes you have in Lagree, is YOUR time. The time where you can think about the workout ahead of you and push all other thoughts out of your mind. Working out 3 times a week has shown to decrease stress and anxiety.

Also, let’s face it. During the holidays we tend to eat and drink more than we usually do. There’s nothing wrong with that. It is a fun time, a time that is to be enjoyed and celebrated. If you are consistent with your workouts throughout the holiday season, then eating a few fun meals should not affect your weight or progress. It is when we stop working out throughout the holidays and then enjoy all the food and drinks that it can affect our progress. If you continue with your normal routine, then you can enjoy yourself without any guilt.

Lastly, everyone knows that in January gyms and fitness studios start to pick up. We all have a new year resolution, and who doesn’t want to get into better shape? Whether your goal is to lose weight, tone up, or become stronger, most people make this commitment in January. Then after a few weeks or a month they lose interest and go back to their normal routine. This is because they pushed themselves too much during January after they took off weeks or months from working out. If you stay consistent through the holidays, then you won’t have to push yourself as hard in January. You will continue with your workout even once all the new year resolutions people have gone home.

Staying consistent during the holidays is something to be proud of, and here at The Lagree Method, we are happy to help. 


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Transitioning from Pilates to Lagree