Tips for a healthy Summer!!!

While the first day official day of summer was just last week, the temps here in Ohio feel like temps similar to those you would expect toward the end of August. While I don’t love the steamy hot days, the mornings are fabulous for long bike rides and the evenings are perfect for walks after dinner.

Summer not only brings warmer temps and long sunny days, it brings vacations and plenty of social gatherings. I’ve spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks talking with clients about how to approach vacations, graduation parties, weddings, and now the upcoming 4th of July. I’ve coached them on how they can stay on track with nutrition and still be able to enjoy these fun events that are part of life. I truly believe we can enjoy all of these events without sabotaging our all of our healthy nutrition efforts.

Here’s a few tips that I suggest for cookouts and other gatherings:

1. Eat something before you go. This doesn’t need to be anything big, just enough to balance your blood sugar so that you don’t show up starving and end up over indulging. Some of my quick grabs include:
– 2 Hard boiled eggs
Chomps Turkey or Beef sticks
-Bone broth with cauliflower crackers
-Turkey roll ups with pickles-12 almonds
– Celery with single pack of hummus

2. If you are going to a cookout or other social gathering, take something lighter to share with others so if you do decide to indulge in the potato salad or a dessert, you can.Here are a couple of ideas:-Cut up celery, cucumbers, peppers (or any veggie that’s great for dipping) with a side guacamole, hummus, pico de gallo, or my new favorite from Trader Joe’s, Romesco Dip . Then if you want to indulge in a “heavier” dip (like maybe…buffalo chicken favorite) you can use your veggies instead of the chips that are usually paired with dips.

Another snack I often bring is my favorite “From the Ground Up” Cauliflower Crackers. Here again, you can use them for dipping instead of chips.

One last thing that is a staple at most summer cookouts and something that requires no little prep is Watermelon. It has a ton of water to keep you hydrated in hot temps and if you are drinking alcohol. Fill up on this vitamin C and potassium filled sweet treat to deter you from grabbing other not so healthy sweets.

3. Fill your plate with protein and veggies. Enjoy the burger or brat and skip the bun. Then fill your plate with veggies:, you will have less room for other foods. Leave a little room on your plate for one of those foods you want to indulge in.

4. If you are one who indulges in a cocktail or two…stick with a clear alcohol like vodka or tequila, add club soda, and plenty of your favorite fresh fruit. OR if you are a wine lover, try my favorite “no sugar added” wine, Dry Farms.

Staying on Track during Vacation (well mostly)

Whether you are driving or flying, pack some snacks to have on hand to help you avoid stopping for fast food on the side of the highway or in the airport. Some of my favorites include:

-Chomps turkey/ beef sticks (yes, I love these and recommend them all the time)
-100 calorie pack of almonds or other nuts
No Cow Bar or MCT protein bars

First things first, remember, it IS vacation and it’s OK to indulge a bit, but do it all in moderation.

1. Aim to keep your breakfast and lunch low-carb. I often tell clients to consider making breakfast and lunch look the same way that it does when at home. This means starting your day with eggs or other protein, add some healthy fat like an avocado, and maybe some veggies. If you‘re staying in a place that has a blender, bring along your favorite protein powder, add some fruits, veggies, and healthy fats for another low-carb way to start your day.When it comes to lunch, stick with the same concept; protein, healthy fats, and veggies. This could be a salad topped with your favorite protein, a lettuce wrap filled with deli meats, or a bunless turkey burger with fresh cut veggies on the side.

2. When it’s time for dinner, I often suggest “pick 1 or 2.” What I mean by this is, we can’t have the wine, the bread, the pasta, AND the dessert and expect to feel great. Instead, since you’ve stayed on track for breakfast and lunch, choose to indulge in 1 or 2 of your favorites at dinner a few times while you are on vacation. When you do indulge, enjoy it, move on, and don’t beat yourself for enjoying something you really wanted.

3. Whatever it is you decide to indulge in, consider splitting it or ordering the smaller size. For example, if you’re going out for ice cream consider ordering the kidee size knowing you may be having ice cream or another dessert a few times over the course of your vacation.

The bottom line here is that it’s really important to enjoy your vacation and indulge in a few things here and there. I am hoping these tips will help you to do things more in moderation and still feel great when you return home.

Whatever it is you have planned this summer, Enjoy!

If you want to learn more about how to implement more of my healthy tips and healthy eating patterns a permanent part of your life, let’s talk. Head to my website to schedule a free 30-minute consultation @ we can get started!

In Balance,Julie


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